Sunday, August 26, 2012

Free Youcef Nadarkhani

My friend is running an event on Google+ for pastor Youcef Nadarkhani:

Iranian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani has been wrongly imprisoned for the simple reason that he has chosen to be a follower of Christ. He has been falsely accused with protesting, rape, extortion, and, according to the Provincial Political/Security Deputy Governor, security crimes as a Zionist. He has been sentenced to death already, but he now has a court date of September 8. You can read more about the many inhumane injustices that happen to him and many like him, whether political or religious prisoners, all over the world.Join me, please on September 1st, 2012 in sharing the following hashtag:#freeyoucefnadarkhani  Put it at the end of all your comments, no matter how irrelevant. Invite all your friends to this event.  Show the Iranian government that somebody cares about what they do to people. God bless you!

Join here.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Tazonea Progress

Hello readers! I know I haven't published anything here for months, but I'm back at least for now. The fact is, November is coming up, and November is NaNoWriMo.

People who have been following my blog know that last year, I participated in NaNoWriMo. I'm going to do the same this year. But, the thing is, I'm still finishing the third draft of last year's book. I thought I would give a brief progress update.

For starters, here's a comparison of each draft's quality in excerpt form. The excerpt itself is quite absurd, but so is the book. Here goes:

Draft 1:

“Siddown, siddown.” Said the woman, Mrs. Grunk. She was chairwoman of Tazonea, and her mannerisms were legendary amongst the rangers. Her voice sounded somewhat like a screeching violin, only scratchier, like it was being ground out from some voice factory. Ranger no.1 sat down at Mrs. Grunk's desk. Various knick knacks were scattered about. Models of the zoo's various oddities. Souvenirs, bobble heads, and other various trinkets. There were also books stacked like high rise apartments, and pages scatter every which way. 

Mrs. Grunk swept it all away, and it fell crashing to floor. She put down a pot and cup in front of Ranger no.1. The stench of cactus grew even stronger. It was sour and repungent. Mrs. Grunk leaned forward to pour him a cup, her piles of short and curly red hair bobbed about like the folds of fat which covered every inch of her short, stout body.

Draft 2:

“Siddown, siddown.” said Mrs. Grunk. She was the chairwoman of Tazonea, and her mannerisms were legendary amongst the rangers. Her voice sounded somewhat like a screeching violin, only more abrasive, as if it were being pulled through an antique coffee grinder. Ranger no.1 pulled out a chair, and sat down at her desk. Various knick knacks were scattered all over its surface. There were models of the various oddities from Tazonea. Souvenirs bobble heads, and other kinds of trinkets. Obscuring Ranger no.1’s view of Mrs. Grunk’s face were stacks of books and pages and maps stacked chaotically together in lopsided fashion.

Mrs. Grunk reached her arms through the mess, and swept it all sideways. The city of books fell with a terrific crash to the ground, and pages flew everywhere. Not seeming to think a thing of it, Mrs. Grunk put down a teapot in front of Ranger no.1, and quickly followed it up with a little teacup. The stench of cactus grew even stronger. It was sour and repugnant. Mrs. Grunk leaned forward to pour the teapot. Her piles of short and curly red hair bobbed about like the folds of fat which covered every inch of her short, stout body.

Draft 3:

“Siddown, siddown.” said Mrs. Grunk, gesturing to a chair in front of her desk. She was the chairwoman of Tazonea, and her mannerisms were legendary amongst the rangers. Her voice sounded somewhat like a screeching violin, only more abrasive, as if it were being pulled through an antique coffee grinder.

Ranger number-one sat down. Various knick knacks were scattered all over the desk’s surface. There were models of the various oddities from Tazonea, souvenirs, bobble heads, and other kinds of trinkets. Obscuring his view of Mrs. Grunk’s face were stacks of books, pages and maps stacked chaotically together with lopsided carelessness.

Mrs. Grunk reached her arms through the clutter, and swept it all sideways. The skyline of books toppled to the ground with a terrific crash, and pages flew everywhere. With unconcealed indifference to all this, Mrs. Grunk set down a teapot in front of number-one, and quickly followed it up with a chipped little teacup. The stench of cactus grew even stronger. It was sour and repugnant. Mrs. Grunk leaned forward to pour the teapot, her piles of short and curly red hair bobbing about like the folds of fat which covered every inch of her short, stout body.

Anyways, as you may or may not notice, draft number 1 is absolutely horrendous in its quality. It's full of spelling errors, repetition, bad prose, and I keep referring to ranger number-one as "ranger no.1".

Draft number 2 is mildly better, improving some of the flaws, and adding some more sensible lines.

Draft number 3 still isn't "well-written", but it's quite polished in comparison to the first, relatively perfect as far as technical structure goes (I give all the credit to Microsoft Word, of course!) I'm quite excited about how its coming along so far.

I have a very difficult time 'doing' things. It's quite a struggle of mine. I have inclinations, goals, and - more importantly - duties and responsibilities. I struggle to get any of them done, and keep going at them. I'm in prayer about it a lot.

But Tazonea, for once, seems it will be an exception. I set out to write 50,000 words last year, and I did. Furthermore, God-willing, it looks like I'm going to finish it.

So yay! I'm excited. And even though its just a fun kids book, and doesn't carry a Gospel message, Colossians 3:23-24 says,

" And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;
Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ."

God is the chiefest worker of all, for He made creation. Thus, I believe, those who work imitate God in how well they do it, and artists imitate God in their craft. And so, I hope that at the end of even this little project, I can sign my book as the great Bach signed even some of his secular pieces of music:


Which stands for 'Soli Deo Gloria', which means, in the Latin - for the glory of God alone.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Project Glass:Augmented reality is finally coming!!!

Watch, and be amazed. I, for one, got used to all the prattle regarding "augmented reality". But, Google's new  concept called "Project Glass" has made me a believer. Believe me, I'll be first in line to grab a pair of these.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Christian Android Background

I was looking for Christian Android wallpapers the other day for my tablet. I couldn't find any, so I made one myself.

"Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God."
1 Corinthians 10:31

You have full permission to download, use, and share this wallpaper.

Portions of this page are modifications based on work created and shared by Google and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution License.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Random Composition

This is the first half decent composition I've made in an amazing music sequencer called FL Studio. They have a very fair demo version, in which they will allow you to save project files and export sound files, but you can't open the project files you save unless you buy the program. As such, this composition was cut short and is half baked. But I thought I'd share it anyways.

Note the dynamics and realistic instruments. There is a great amount of fine and intuitive tweaking you can do in FL studio to make the music just how you like it. In addition to this, you can use "VST's", or Virtual Studio Technology instruments for maximum realistic sound. I do the software no justice, of course. But, take my word for it. This is some powerful software.

You can get the FL studio demo here.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Frodo and Sam

I once said that my older sister is exceptionally good at drawing...

Believe it.